Heartwarming Dog Commercial

WARNING: You might get the tingles up and down your arms from this heart-provoking commercial.

In this relatively new Budweiser commercial used during the 2015 Super Bowl, we witness a powerful example of how friendship can overcome any obstacle. It starts with a scene where a cute white puppy accidentally gets itself locked in a trailer headed for another farm after playing with its master and its friend the horse.

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On the way there, it manages to find its way out and leap out onto the streets. Meanwhile, its master is saddened and puts out lost dog posters in an effort to save the puppy. But it turns out that the puppy finds its way back to the ranch after spending many days alone out in terrible conditions.

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It quickly faces peril, though, as it finds out a wolf had been stalking him. Scared out of its mind, the puppy puts up a brave fight and barks back at the snarling wolf. But the puppy’s loyal horse friend sees this happening and gathers all the other horses to safely escort the puppy back home. Next morning, the owner, puppy, and horse are reunited, a heartwarming ending to an emotional commercial.

Video from Youtube Channel:


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