Shelter Pups Need You

Wow, did you get something in your eye as well?

This heartwarming clip shows us the many, many various poignant reasons why we should adopt a shelter puppy. It mainly details the story of an unnamed dog who looks back at his life. He was born with a condition that didn’t allow his legs and limbs to grow properly, mainly due to malnutrition. “Humans came and went,” he said, but none of them really wanted to keep him, probably because of his legs. It all was okay, though, because one day a couple decided to foster him so that he could eventually find his forever home.

Shelter Pups Need You_B

But along the way, they “accidentally” fell in love with the adorable, quirky little fellow, and decided to keep him. Now the couple also fosters other dogs to give them a second chance, and the many reasons to adopt a shelter dog became evident. We humans need dogs as much as they need us. We depend on them to help keep our hectic stress levels down, and they are just such good companions.

Saving one dog will not change the world, but certainly for that one dog, the world will change forever. Here, go grab yourself a tissue.


Video from Youtube Channel:

Giving a Paralyzed Dog the Best Day Ever

This is truly heartwarming.

When Tazo the pup suffered a terrible, traumatic back injury, his original owners weren’t able to treat it, which eventually left him paralyzed in the lower half of his body. Thankfully, Animal Haven in New York found out about him and took him in. They were the only ones willing to help this poor dog; in him, they saw a quirky, likable character definitely worth saving. So, they gave him a wheelchair which enabled him to move around freely and play!


They also gave him a rehabilitation session with a professional, who massaged and treated his overused limbs to help Tazo completely relax. He also gets a warm pool session, to help with mobility and strength. After all that exercise they eventually head to a cafe for lunch, and when Tazo arrives back at Animal Haven a surprise awaits him! It’s a cool, brand-new 3D printed wheelchair.

Best of all, Tazo got a new home and a new owner, with whom he will spend the rest of his life with.


Video from Youtube Channel:

Family Hails Dog as Hero

Duke the family dog may not look like your ordinary hero, but he has saved a precious life.

One weekend, the owners had just settled into bed when Duke came running into the room and shaking them with urgency. Duke usually was extremely obedient, so right then the couple knew something was wrong. They hurried over to check if something was wrong with their little baby girl, and sure enough she wasn’t breathing. They immediately called 911 and the baby turned out okay, but surely without Duke’s help and quick reaction things would not be the same.

Family Hails Dog as Hero

The family admits that they’re blessed to have the amazing dog and that their decision to adopt Duke six years ago was repaid many times over.

Now all of you dog owners, go and show your dog some love, because you never know what they might do to help you in times of need.


Video from Youtube Channel:
New Video Source

Dog Reunites With Owner After Two Years

After two longs years (well, to be fair it’s actually 14 in dog years) of being apart from her owner, Casey the Schnauzer finally reunites with her!

The reaction was caught on live camera, and it was priceless! The video opens with the dog running into the owner’s arms joyfully and squealing with delight. Canine and master both cuddle for the longest time, and they just enjoy each other’s company at last.

Dog Reunites_2

But we’re still not sure if the dog really did pass out from “overwhelming joy” as the title says, since the subtitles explain how the vet said “everything is fine.” Well I definitely hope the dog was okay at the scene.

More about the owner: she was working and living in Slovenia for the past two years, and wasn’t able to see her dog since all her relatives (except Casey the Schnauzer) came to her wedding. Fate finally brought them back together, and it’s indescribable how happy the dog was.


Video from Youtube Channel:
Rebecca Svetina

Christmas Puppy Surprise

In this heartwarming video a man surprises his wife with a cute puppy for Christmas, since the woman’s dog passed away sadly the day before.

At first coming home from work she didn’t know what to expect, since her husband hid the puppy behind a sign, but as the man pulled it out she began to cry with happiness. The golden retriever looked genuinely happy to be in her arms and stayed there as long as she needed it to.

Christmas Puppy Surprise

Some say that a new puppy can never replace one that passed away,
but I think this was a good move on the husband’s part. Watching this video surely touches most of us. The world needs more acts of kindness and people like the caring hubby, don’t you think?


Video from Youtube Channel:
Alan Jackson

Heartwarming Puppy Rescue

This must be the most inspirational and heartwarming video in a long time.

A couple gets a call from their friend, who tells them about a dog in bad condition in south L.A. They rush to the scene, where at first they don’t see any sign of the dog. But taking a closer look they spot a small puppy in the corner of a shed, looking miserable.

Heartwarming Puppy Rescue

It was fully blind and was in terrible shape, with a horrible flea infestation. The friends quickly drove her to one of their houses and gave her a bath, and afterwards had to shave off most of her fur. The next day they took her to a pet surgeon who fixed her vision in one eye, and a few weeks later she was adopted by another couple. This empowering story was featured on Anderson Cooper 360, and shows how a little act of kindness can go to great lengths.

Heartwarming Puppy Rescue

Video from Youtube Channel: