Scooter-Riding Dog

This dog does have some sick skills.

In this video, a news segment “reports” about a dog who can ride a scooter perfectly! It just goes one push…two push…and we’re off. Look at how it stands up on its hind legs! Just unbelievable balance and poise and control. I was expecting it to maybe fall off once or even twice, but noooo….this dog does not get fazed by the pressure of being on live TV.

Scooter-Riding Dog

This could be a useful/fun trick to teach your dog, and as soon as you do everyone won’t be able to get enough of it. It will for sure take a heck of a lot of dedication though, since dogs obviously aren’t used to standing on two legs to do any activities. You could even do a little bet with your other dog-owning friends, and see who trains their dog to accomplish this feat first!


Video from Youtube Channel:
WGN News

Family Hails Dog as Hero

Duke the family dog may not look like your ordinary hero, but he has saved a precious life.

One weekend, the owners had just settled into bed when Duke came running into the room and shaking them with urgency. Duke usually was extremely obedient, so right then the couple knew something was wrong. They hurried over to check if something was wrong with their little baby girl, and sure enough she wasn’t breathing. They immediately called 911 and the baby turned out okay, but surely without Duke’s help and quick reaction things would not be the same.

Family Hails Dog as Hero

The family admits that they’re blessed to have the amazing dog and that their decision to adopt Duke six years ago was repaid many times over.

Now all of you dog owners, go and show your dog some love, because you never know what they might do to help you in times of need.


Video from Youtube Channel:
New Video Source

One of the World’s Biggest, Baddest Dogs

Hulk, a giant 175­lb pit bull, can snap a grown man’s arm in half in a single bite, and yet he is completely trusted around his owners to play with their son.

In the video, looking at the size of the dog, it seems that no other dog in the world could be bigger and stronger than him. He is just massive. The clip details how the family­owned company, Dark Dynasty, breeds, takes care of, and eventually sells, pit bulls to a variety of clients. From billionares to celebrities, they’ve seen it all.

One of the World’s

The dogs are mainly used for protection, while providing great companionship as well.
They look like they really put a lot of effort into caring for and meeting the needs of their dogs, as they give them only the finest­grade food products around. They also put them on a strict strength training regimen to boost their athleticism and strength prowess. Hulk probably gets the best treatment of all! For more info on their dogs, visit


Video from Youtube Channel:
Barcroft TV

Resourceful Dog Rides Bus Alone

The owner must be proud.

This video details a 2 year-old black lab named Eclipse, who occasionally takes the bus to the dog park all by herself. Her master prefers to accompany her, but sometimes she just can’t wait and runs off to the bus stop to spend the day at the dog park.

Resourceful Dog Rides Bus Alone

Once she gets onto the bus, everyone falls in love with her. She quickly meets new friends and even stops to shake a stranger’s hand. There on the bus she waits patiently for five stops, until her destination is reached. She knows exactly when to get to the door and then, once it opens, runs off into the outside world to meet her buddies.

She not only knows how to get there, but also knows the way home by heart. Eclipse is an extraordinary dog, and pulls off a feat even many humans fail to do.

Video from Youtube Channel:
ABC News