7 Words: Before and After Dog Ownership

7 main words that mean different things after you have your first dog (or dogs)

This article depicts the seven main words that mean different things after you have your first dog (or dogs). Before, a doorbell means someone is at the door. Afterwards, it basically acts as a fire alarm since your dogs freak out over it. Dishes used to be the cleaning up and washing process after a meal, but now your dog unexpectedly “helps out” by licking the extras off the plate.

7 Words Before and After

Another funny one is your alarm clock. It used to wake you up by buzzing and beeping annoyingly until you pressed the plastic snooze button that never works, but now it’s continuous licking (and the snooze button becomes spoken word, which is even more tedious). Finally, the sweetest one in the video is word “free time.” It used to mean literal time off from anything work-related and pursuing solo activities for your personal pure enjoyment, but now it means that you can hang out with your favorite animal in the world.

The rest of the words also ring true, and they may be super-ultra-mega-relatable to you, too!


Video from Youtube Channel:


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