Dog Shocks Crowd at BGT

For me, this is one of the only times I’ve witnessed a dog being on a nationally televised audition and not falter or get nervous.

This video shows Marc Metral, the owner, have a brief conversation with his dog Wendy (yes, in English, although Wendy seems to have mixed the languages up a bit). The act opens with Wendy confusing “hi” in English for other languages, and meowing.

Dog Shocks Crowd at BGT

This amazes the audience, as Wendy’s mouth matches her words at exactly the same time. I still don’t know to this day if the man was a ventriloquist of some sort or if the dog actually was talking. Then Wendy and Marc sing a duet (rather, Wendy was somewhat forced into it) and the audience cannot contain its laughter. At the end of the video the crowd roars its approval, and the judges agree, especially Simon Cowell.

Simon has supposedly been waiting for nine years for a dog that could either meow or sing to be on the show, and he got both that night.

Video from Youtube Channel:
Britain’s Got Talent


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