A Week in the Life of Wolfie

A Week in the Life of Wolfie

This 6-minute video details a cute husky puppy’s (Wolfie’s) first week at its owner’s house.

He likes to bite everything, from soda bottles to bags to wooden clips. The funniest part of the video is when Wolfie plays with the little suspended doll. It tries to get it within its jaws but the brave attempt is unsuccessful, so Wolfie just gives up, lets out a little unsatisfied groan, and smacks it.

A Week in the Life of Wolfie2

Fast forward to playing Wolfie. Another funny part is when Wolfie is taken outside and finds out that he isn’t the only dog in the house.

He experiences emotions from disbelief to jealousy, as he immediately runs after the other dog and snaps at it. Poor Wolfie. I think he’ll eventually learn that the world doesn’t revolve around him, as kids do all the time. Throughout the week Wolfie has already grown, and to see more of these cute clips click onto @Joe E ‘s channel to discover more.

Video from Youtube Channel:
Joe E


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